
Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to teach people how to take a black and white photo and apply a sepia tone using Adobe Photoshop. 

Because this is a conceptual idea that I am teaching I plan to use some of the steps outlined in the Bloom’s Taxonomy table. This is a short exercise, therefore I have selected the teaching elements that I feel will most benefit someone following this exercise, which include: 

Describe: I will outline the purpose of the project 

  • Outline what people will need to complete the lesson 

Interpret: Define sepia and how it has been used in the past and how can be used today (this will include the background and new knowledge that people will need to complete the lesson) 

Explain: This is the section in which I will describe the actual process for creating the sepia color. 

  • I plan to create the actual learning module in an easy-to-read and printable Adobe PDF document. 
  • Directions will be in sequential order of steps with narrative and screen-shots for easy visual understanding. 

Assess: This will be a closing narrative where I will talk about what format the complete results should look like (additional visual examples here) and will give a short overview of the process and its benefits and applications. 

In addition, I will provide links to additional sites where people can do more research and learn more about this topic.

Here is the completed Teach Module in PDF format.

I’ve created an overview of the Process I used to create this teaching exercise–check it out!

And, if you’re interested check out my additional links in the right-rail, under “Teach Project”, which will take you to even more resourses on the subject!


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