Art Project

March 13, 2006 at 8:05 am (Art Project)

I am excited about this art project and pretty much knew that I wanted to do something with digital photography. I have been working on learning Adobe Photoshop, so this project is the perfect opportunity to do something fun with it. My youngest daughter, Madeline, we call her Maddie, has her 1st birthday coming up soon. We’re planning on having a get together at our house, so I wanted to work on some invitations for the party. Being a sometimes-graphic designer at work, I am always wanting to put together a piece that is memorable and polished looking. When I was thinking about ideas for the artwork I knew I wanted to use a great photo I have of her, but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Then, on a visit to a good friend’s house, who is also a graphic designer, I saw my inspiration—an Andy Warhol print.  I had seen my friend do a “Wahol-effect” using colored pencils, but I thought to myself, maybe I could do this digitally! Now the next step was to figure out how exactly I would go about this. I thought I would do some checking on the web to see if there were any helpful instructional articles on how to create a “Warhol-effect” on a photo. So, what did I do? I went to Yahoo and typed in “andy warhol effect in photoshop”, and voila, at the top of the list a tutorial!  Another web site had another way to achieve the effect, but I didn’t like it as much, so ended up going with the first tutorial. Check out my Art page to learn more about this project as well as to see the finished product!

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